NASA General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) - Introductory Videos

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Ten comprehensive GMAT Tutorials presented by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center on 6/30/14.

Institution Speaker Video Presentation Title Duration
NASA GSFC Joel J.K. Parker, PNT Lead GMAT Training:Part 1 Logistics  13:53
NASA GSFC Joel J.K. Parker, PNT Lead GMAT Training:Part 2 Introduction  28:41
NASA GSFC Joel J.K. Parker, PNT Lead GMAT Training:Part 3 Tutorial 1 Simulating an Orbit  37:24
NASA GSFC Joel J.K. Parker, PNT Lead GMAT Training:Part 4 InDepth: Introduction ot the GMAT Software  37:49
NASA GSFC Joel J.K. Parker, PNT Lead GMAT Training:Part 5 Scripting: Tour of the Script Language  40:15
NASA GSFC Joel J.K. Parker, PNT Lead GMAT Training:Part 6 Tutorial 2: Simple Orbit Transfer  44:24
NASA GSFC Joel J.K. Parker, PNT Lead GMAT Training:Part 7 Tutorial 3: Mars B-Plane Targeting  59:41
NASA GSFC Goddard Staff Member GMAT Training:Part 8 Tutorial 4: Target Finite Burn to Raise Apogee  41:59
NASA GSFC Joel J.K. Parker, PNT Lead GMAT Training:Part 9 Tutorial 5: Multiple Shooting Optimization (Needs VF13 plug-in) 1:16:22
NASA GSFC Joel J.K. Parker, PNT Lead GMAT Training:Part 10 Closing: Getting Help, Reporting Bugs, Feature Requests  7:06

Four short GMAT Tutorials by The Science of Flight (tSoF)

Institution Speaker Video Presentation Title Duration
tSoF Series The Science of Flight GMAT Simple Orbit Transfer Tutorial #1  19:21
tSoF Series The Science of Flight GMAT Saving to a Data File Tutorial #2  11:47
tSoF Series The Science of Flight GMAT Hohmann Transfer Orbit (Simple)  21:52
tSoF Series The Science of Flight GMAT Solving a Hohman Transfer Problem  27:30

Miscellaneous orbit related Tutorials by industry leaders

Institution Speaker Video Presentation Title Duration
GMAT Paper Scott Manley, James Meador Is Apollo 11's Lunar Module Still in Orbit Around the Moon?  11:06
MIT OCW Dr. Walter Lewin Lec 22 - A good 49 minute introduction and/or refresher to orbital mechanics.  49:08

TwoTutorials on Octave/MATLAB (GMAT Scritpting Language is similar to MATLAB)

Institution Speaker Video Presentation Title Duration
MIT edX Simone Deparis MATLAB and Octave for Beginners  49:08
MIT OCW Prof. Ian Hutchinson Octave/MATLABŪ for Beginners, Part 1: Starting from Scratch  11:06

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