Four short GMAT Tutorials by The Science of Flight (tSoF)
Institution | Speaker | Video Presentation Title | Duration |
tSoF Series | The Science of Flight | GMAT Simple Orbit Transfer Tutorial #1 | 19:21 |
tSoF Series | The Science of Flight | GMAT Saving to a Data File Tutorial #2 | 11:47 |
tSoF Series | The Science of Flight | GMAT Hohmann Transfer Orbit (Simple) | 21:52 |
tSoF Series | The Science of Flight | GMAT Solving a Hohman Transfer Problem | 27:30 |
Institution | Speaker | Video Presentation Title | Duration |
GMAT Paper | Scott Manley, James Meador | Is Apollo 11's Lunar Module Still in Orbit Around the Moon? | 11:06 |
MIT OCW | Dr. Walter Lewin | Lec 22 - A good 49 minute introduction and/or refresher to orbital mechanics. | 49:08 |
Institution | Speaker | Video Presentation Title | Duration |
MIT edX | Simone Deparis | MATLAB and Octave for Beginners | 49:08 |
MIT OCW | Prof. Ian Hutchinson | Octave/MATLABŪ for Beginners, Part 1: Starting from Scratch | 11:06 |
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